We all know things are often not what they seem. But how many times have shadowy schemes, twisted plots, and secret conspirators been behind some of history's most newsworthy events?

Was Princess Diana the victim of a tragic traffic accident, or a murder scheme? Was TWA Flight 800 brought down by a missile rather than a faulty fuel tank, as the official report says? Was that a flying saucer that crashed in the desert scrubland near Roswell, New Mexico? And what about strip club-owner Jack Ruby? Did his murder of Lee Harvey Oswald signal a far wider conspiracy in the death of John Kennedy?

These 12 top-rated episodes from HISTORY™ looks at all sides of these and other tantalizing questions. Using original documents and interviews with experts and eyewitnesses, it enables viewers to reach their own conclusions. CONSPIRACY? will have you thinking again and again about the history you thought you knew.

DISC 1: TWA Flight 800 / Majestic Twelve: UFO Cover-Up / FDR and Pearl Harbor / Area 51
DISC 2: Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? / Princess Diana / Lincoln Assassination / Oklahoma City Bombing
DISC 3: CIA and the Nazis / Jack Ruby / RFK Assassination / Kecksburg UFO

Combined Shipping Rates:

$3.50 for the first DVD, $0.25 for each additional DVD purchased and shipped together.