Ulteriori informazioni

Titolo: Central Belters
Condizione: Nuovo
Tipo: CD
EAN: 5051083096225
Edizione: Box Set
Genere: Rock/Pop
Sottogenere: Post-Rock
Data d'uscita: 23/10/2015
Numero di dischi: 3
Artista: Mogwai
Etichetta discografica: Rock Action
Title Format: CD
Anno di pubblicazione: 2015
Elenco della pista:

Disc 1
2: Helicon 1
3: Cody
4: Christmas Steps
5: I Know You Are But What Am I?
6: Hunted By a Freak
7: Stanley Kubrick
8: Take Me Somewhere Nice
9: 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong
10: Mogwai Fear Satan

Disc 2
1: Auto Rock
2: Travel Is Dangerous
3: Friend of the Night
4: We're No Here
5: I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead
6: The Sun Smells Too Loud
7: Batcat
8: Mexican Grand Prix
9: Rano Pano
10: How to Be a Werewolf
11: Wizard Motor
12: Remurdered
13: The Lord Is Out of Control
14: Teenage Exorcists

Disc 3
1: Hugh Dallas
2: Half Time
3: Burn Girl Prom Queen
4: Devil Rides
5: Hassenheide
6: Tell Everybody That I Love Them
7: Earth Division
8: Wizard Motor
9: Hungry Face
10: D to E
11: My Father My King

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