Sign of the Cross (Paperback, 2007)

by Chris Kuzneski

Title : Sign of the Cross (Paperback, 2007)
Author : Chris Kuzneski
ISBN : 9780141030845

Language : English

Category : Fiction
Subject : Popular Fiction

Publication Year : 2007
Publisher : Penguin Books
Pages : 616
Binding : Softcover
Condition : Good

Product Code : 39395

Product Dimensions

Height (mm) : 180
Width (mm) : 110
Thickness (mm) : 50
Weight (grams) : 334

No secret will keep for ever ... A Vatican priest is found murdered on the shores of Denmark & nailed to a cross in the shadow of Hamlet's castle. He is the first victim in a vicious killing spree that spans the world. Each horrific murder exactly mirrors the crucifixion of Christ...

Meanwhile, deep in the Roman Catacombs of Orvieto, an archaeologist uncovers an ancient scroll dating back two thousand years. The scroll, he knows, holds the key to a dark and treacherous secret that will rock the very foundations of the Church. But only if he can decipher its lost meanings; and only if he can live long enough to reveal them ... The enemies of the truth know no law of man...
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