Scootopia Sports Strengthened Vespa PX Disc, EFL & T5 Rear Hub

Strengthened Rear Hub (30mm)

Scootopia produced Strengthened Vespa PX Disc, EFL & T5 Rear Hub (will fit other 10" models).
Made by Scootopia these are Strengthened across the middle of the Hub just like our Lambretta ones. These are the EFL Style hub (30mm Oil Seal) but will fit other 10" models if you change the oil seal. Originally fitted to all P range & T5 models from 1984 onwards.
With the advancing power now coming out of Cylinder Kits for Vespas the idea for the Scootopia version EFL Hub was to beef up the centre of the hub then create much larger fins. These are the perfect Rear Hub for anyone with a Side Car outfit of tuned kit.