Organic Barnyard Millet 


• 100% ORGANIC




Category Description:

Barnyard Millet is a fast-growing crop and is an integral part of the diet regime of the people who grow it.  Although it is nutritionally superior to refined cereals, it's utilization is still limited to the regions where it is locally grown.

However, the dramatic increase in various lifestyle diseases (Obesity, Diabetes, etc.) and growing concern for the worsening climate situation have resulted in the quest to find healthier and more input-savvy grain options than wheat and rice. This has brought attention to Millets, grown and consumed in several parts of the world.

Due to the immense nutritional value & health benefits and fewer input requirements to cultivate them (when compared to wheat and rice), these ancient and smart foods are making a serious comeback.

The United Nations has also declared the Year 2023 as ‘the International year of Millets’.


Health Benefits:

Low in Calories, high in fiber - Barnyard millet is low in calories when compared to other cereals. Besides the fiber (soluble(4.3%) and insoluble(8.1%)) content in it is high which makes it a suitable food to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Gluten free - Being a millet, barnyard millet is gluten-free in nature. It is an appropriate option for people suffering from gluten sensitivities and celiac disease or those looking to follow a gluten free lifestyle.

Low Glycemic Index- The carbohydrates Good for diabetic patients and helps accelerate weight loss.



Just Organik organic Barnyard Millet can serve as a delicious and nutritious delight in your food plate.

It is famously used as a substitute of rice and used in dishes like 'Jhangora-kheer', pulav, dosa, idli, khichdi, upma, etc.