This is an original set published in 1937 and they are in Very Good Condition. You are buying from one of the largest stockist of cigarette and trade cards in the UK. 

Did you know that the Wallflower is a member of the cabbage family? No, neither did we, but this is one of the facts you will learn from the highly informative texts on the backs of Wills Wild Flowers 2nd Series. Issued in May 1937 this series covers a wide range of common and unusual plants which grow wild in the British Isles, some of which are now rare due to the widespread use of weedkillers and intensive farming practices. The flowers are beautifully illustrated and include the Bee Orchis, Arrowhead, Sorrel, Wild Thyme, Eyebright, Foxglove, Comfrey, Harebell and Dandelion. These backs are adhesive, but the set was also produced in Ireland without adhesive backs.  A delightful and inexpensive set with cards size 68 x 36mm. 

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