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} #gallerylabel-7:hover ~ #gallerycontent-7 { display: block; } HOME NEWS SALES SHIPPING CONTACT ABOUT US Store Categories Store Home Arm & Elbow SupportWrist & Hand & Palm SupportKnee & Leg & Calf SleeveAnkle & Foot SupportWaist & Shoulder SupportBasketballSoccer ballOther NEWSLETTER Subscribe our newsletter. You will receive our newsletter once a week. SUBSCRIBE Kuangmi Bakstball Arm Pad Brace Elbow Compression Sleeve Support Item Features:BRAND KUANGMI: Professional design for Elbow Pads,100% brand new and high quality. Protection: Kuangmi elbow braces apply even pressure across your elbow joint, which provides moderate relief from a variety of ailments including tendonitis, joint inflammation, tennis elbow, golf elbow, and other elbow pain.Specification:1.Compression Sleeve: Sleeves help support & brace the elbow joints for recovery and injury prevention;Compression is proven to promote Muscle Recovery and Prevent Injury.    2.Comfortable:Designed with comfort in mind, even pressure throughout the sleeve for bracing effect.    3.Versatile:The best support for Men & Women - Perfect for Weightlifting, CrossFit & Tennis,Basketball.    4.Breathable Warmth:it ensures that the wearer stays comfortably cool and dry, can also play a role in cold weather.Sports Fit:Our elbow supports are great for any activity requiring arm movement, including Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Basketball, Crossfit, Weightlifting / Powerlifting, and Volleyball. Item Description:1.Material:Nylon & Spandex & Crashproof Pads & Silicone Gel Stripes2.Color:Black & White3.Size:M & L & XL(This price is only for 1 piece,If you want 1 pair, Please order 2 pieces)Package List:     1PC Kuangmi Crashproof Pads Elbow Brand:Kuangmi MPN:does not apply UPC:602447581991 Type:Pad Features:breathable Texture:Semi-Soft Gender:Unisex Intended Use:Arm & Elbow Brace Colour:Black & White Material:Nylon & Spandex & Crashproof Pads & Silicone Gel Stripes Payment A.We accept PayPal payment only.B.We do not offer combine shipping discount.C.Import duties,taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.These charges are the buyer’s responsibility.(Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.D.Payment should be completed within 8 days of auction closing.Or unpaid dispute will be filed for close auction. Shipping 1.Items will be shipped within 1 business day on payment received,order placed on weekend will be shipped within 2 days.2.5-25 business days to Canada, Australia,7-30 business day to Europe,Brazil,Italy,Russia and other countries.That is depends on the freight in different countries.3.All our items will be shipped to buyer's PayPal,so please make sure your PayPal address is correct.If you want to change the other address,please email us your completely correct address.(Please check your shipping address carefully before checkout, it can't be changed if order completed.)4.If you need fast express shipping as EMS,UPS,DHL,TNT,please add extra fee and write to us for the details. Return We do offer 30 days Free return to all our product if it is DOA (Damage on Arrival) , or Factory faulty products. Please kindly contact our CS immediatly. HOME NEWS SALES SHIPPING CONTACT ABOUT US kuangmisport Kuangmi Bakstball Arm Pad Brace Elbow Compression Sleeve Support ITEM SPECIFICS Brand Kuangmi MPN does not apply UPC 602447581991 Type Pad Features breathable Texture Semi-Soft Gender Unisex Intended Use Arm & Elbow Brace Colour Black & White Material Nylon & Spandex & Crashproof Pads & Silicone Gel Stripes ITEMDESCRIPTION Item Features:BRAND KUANGMI: Professional design for Elbow Pads,100% brand new and high quality. Protection: Kuangmi elbow braces apply even pressure across your elbow joint, which provides moderate relief from a variety of ailments including tendonitis, joint inflammation, tennis elbow, golf elbow, and other elbow pain.Specification:1.Compression Sleeve: Sleeves help support & brace the elbow joints for recovery and injury prevention;Compression is proven to promote Muscle Recovery and Prevent Injury.    2.Comfortable:Designed with comfort in mind, even pressure throughout the sleeve for bracing effect.    3.Versatile:The best support for Men & Women - Perfect for Weightlifting, CrossFit & Tennis,Basketball.    4.Breathable Warmth:it ensures that the wearer stays comfortably cool and dry, can also play a role in cold weather.Sports Fit:Our elbow supports are great for any activity requiring arm movement, including Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Basketball, Crossfit, Weightlifting / Powerlifting, and Volleyball. Item Description:1.Material:Nylon & Spandex & Crashproof Pads & Silicone Gel Stripes2.Color:Black & White3.Size:M & L & XL(This price is only for 1 piece,If you want 1 pair, Please order 2 pieces)Package List:     1PC Kuangmi Crashproof Pads Elbow PAYMENT A.We accept PayPal payment only.B.We do not offer combine shipping discount.C.Import duties,taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.These charges are the buyer’s responsibility.(Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.D.Payment should be completed within 8 days of auction closing.Or unpaid dispute will be filed for close auction. SHIPPING 1.Items will be shipped within 1 business day on payment received,order placed on weekend will be shipped within 2 days.2.5-25 business days to Canada, Australia,7-30 business day to Europe,Brazil,Italy,Russia and other countries.That is depends on the freight in different countries.3.All our items will be shipped to buyer's PayPal,so please make sure your PayPal address is correct.If you want to change the other address,please email us your completely correct address.(Please check your shipping address carefully before checkout, it can't be changed if order completed.)4.If you need fast express shipping as EMS,UPS,DHL,TNT,please add extra fee and write to us for the details. RETURN We do offer 30 days Free return to all our product if it is DOA (Damage on Arrival) , or Factory faulty products. Please kindly contact our CS immediatly.