ceiling, radiaotor, paint roller set
Paint roller, radiator painting set, ceiling, walls, easy

smooth finish paint roller

extendable long reach paint roller

light weight paint roller set, radiaotor, ceiling

durable paint roller set, easy painting set

long handheld paint roller

complete painting projects, paint roller for ceilings, decorating, radiator painting

Long Handled Paint Roller
4 Pcs Set
Perfect for interior or exterior use.
Ideal for floors, walls and ceilings and more
This Long Roller is great for painting and decorating and has been specially designed for painting high or hard to reach areas.
The set contains one long handled roller and three rolling heads.
Roller frame with ergonomic lightweight plastic handle for easy and comfortable use. 
This Long Handled Roller is ideal for painting hard to reach places when decorating.
The long handled roller has a 55cm handle and is complete with three rolling heads.