Brand new.

2 3/8 API thread used for drilling purposes

Other types available (box-box , pin-pin, adapters, reductions)

About us

Drillpartner hand augers gained a large number of customers in recent years, both in Europe and around the world. A revolutionary and innovative approach to the production of manual drills has been appreciated. Combined with the high quality of materials and careful workmanship, it allows to drill water wells not available for traditional products of this type.


We offer PayPal as the main payment method. It is also available to pay via money transfer.

We wait 4 days for payment after the purchase. After that time we cancel the order


We will deliver ordered products to your home address or other selected address in Poland or abroad using the chosen delivery method.

Drillpartner makes every effort to ensure that orders are shipped as soon as possible and in the order in which they were placed. We try to send goods within 2 to 3 business days of receiving the order confirmation email


Pursuant to the Act on consumer rights, the buyer has 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods to send a statement of withdrawal from the contract. 

The return of the item by the consumer should take place immediately, not later than within 14 calendar days from the date of sending the statement. The consumer covers all direct return costs. Returned goods cannot bear traces of use.