• 1000m spool bright and beautiful colours Polyester Machine Embroidery Thread to embellish and brighten up any of your embroidery projects. Similar Madeira Rayon colour is 1022
  • IDEAL WEIGHT & LENGTH - Each spool has 40 W.T. and 1000M(1100Y) length, which makes these spools of Polyester Machine Embroidery Thread ideal for all sorts of embroidery projects.

  •  HIGH STRENGTH - Lower risk of breaking or fraying - Elasticity of polyester also reduces risk of looping and puckering of Polyester Machine Embroidery Thread.

  • COLOUR FAST - Polyester Machine Embroidery Thread hold up colors even when subjected to commercial laundering, bleaching and other harsh chemicals – desirable character for workwears, uniforms and linens which are often subjected to commercial laundering

We have kits, patterns, fabric, thread and more available, please check our Ebay Store 

1000m spool bright and beautiful colours Polyester Machine Embroidery Thread to embellish and brighten up any of your embroidery projects. Similar Madeira Rayon colour is 1022 IDEAL WEIGHT & LENGTH - Each spool has 40 W.T. and 1000M(1100Y) length, which makes these spools of Polyester Machine Embroidery Thread ideal for all sorts of embroidery projects.  HIGH STRENGTH - Lower risk of breaking or fraying - Elasticity of polyester also reduces risk of looping and puckering of Polyester Machine Embroidery Thread. COLOUR FAST - Polyester Machine Embroidery Thread hold up colors even when subjected to commercial laundering, bleaching and other harsh chemicals – desirable character for workwears, uniforms and linens which are often subjected to commercial laundering We have kits, patterns, fabri