Muscle Maker Power 600mg

Supports Healthy Testosterone Level.
 Increase Muscle Mass and Strength,Fat Burner 
Increases Sexual Performance for Male and Female.
(1 Bottle, 60 Capsules)
Distributed by Sport Supplements Store
Manufactured in USA

New And Improve Formula Of Muscle Maker Power:

Tribulus (45% Extract), DHEA, Deer Antler Powder, Tongkat Ali Powder, Zinc, Vitamin B-6, Magnesium, 5-Methyl-7-methoxy-Isoflavone, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Octacosanol (from wheat germ)

Benefits of Testosterone:

If you want to see enhanced muscle development, better athletic performance, and achieve an overall sense of well-being, one of the main things to take into consideration is testosterone enhancement.Far too many men completely overlook the role that testosterone plays in their overall well-being, but if your levels are not optimized, make no mistake about it, you are going to feel the effects.To take this one step further, unless you are doing something to promote higher overall testosterone levels, you can expect that they will start to decline once you hit your late twenties.It’s a natural process that takes place as aging ensues and can be amplified if you make the wrong lifestyle and diet choices.Fortunately, there is help. By using a natural testosterone booster, you can regain your former testosterone levels – possibly even taking them higher than they ever were, and start feeling like a stronger, fitter and faster you.Increase healthy fat intake:Following a low-fat diet is a very effective method to destroy testosterone production. Healthy sources of dietary fat provide the building blocks to support optimal testosterone production.At least 30% of overall dietary intake should be derived from healthy fats such as: olive oil, coconut oil, coconut butter, nuts, seeds etc. Some do even better with higher intakes of fat such as myself so don’t buy into the long standing myth that intake of dietary fat is unhealthy.One study actually showed how effective both olive oil and coconut oil are for converting cholesterol into testosterone. Some Doctor’s even theorize that high cholesterol levels are a desperate attempt for the body to produce more testosterone. Thus, perhaps if you take in more healthy fats, you will convert more cholesterol into testosterone and improve cholesterol levels as well.

Deer Antler Benefits:

Deer antler velvet can act as a natural adaptogen, restoring homeostasis to an unbalanced body by helping where it is needed. Deer antler velvet has an effect on many systems of the body given its complex chemical composition. The active ingredients in deer antler velvet are mostly precursors that are required by the body to process substances that maintain its health and wellbeing.Deer antler velvet is a 100% natural food. It is not a synthetic, foreign substance. Therefore, deer antler velvet is safer and better at bringing the body to homeostasis than any drug because it is a whole food that acts on the whole body.Deer antler velvet has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years. It continues to be a fundamental ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine today. Antler extract is a source of hexosamina, condroetina sulfate and collagen, which helps joint mobility.Antler extract is a source of minerals (Ca, Mg, P, Na, K), with an important role in the metabolism of Ca-P, maintaining calcium in the bones and teeth.Strengthens and tones muscles, increases physical performance and speeds muscle recovery after prolonged exercise. It is beneficial in joint sufferings and quickly restores traumatized skin. Though investigation has only just begun in North America, research findings and medical accounts from Asia and New Zealand are already convincing. The reports suggest that velvet antler stimulates the body’s metabolism and protects and restores damaged organ tissue by accelerating healing. Velvet antler is also thought to help the body battle invaders that produce inflammation by increasing phagocytic functions. Phagocytic cells, such as white blood cells, surround, eat, and digest cell waste and microorganisms.

Benefits of Tribulus Terrestris:

The active ingredient in tribulus terrestris extract is PROTODIOSCIN, which is a natural precursor of testosterone. Tribulus balanced hormone levels in the body. Tribulus boost your circulatory system, which will help your body pump important oxygen and nutrients to your muscles.Tribulus boost production  of testosterone. Tribulus Terrestris contains steroidal Saponins which is a type of compound and one of the key steroidal saponins in Tribulus plant is  Protodioscin. Protodioscin is an  active component which is supposed to trigger androgen receptors in cell, making it more receptive to testosterone.Androgen receptors are receptors of Androgens like Testosterone etc and these receptors are present in many of the the tissues in the body. This means that , it may lead to increase in muscle density, sexual activity, and physical activity provided your bioavailable testosterone is on the lower side initially. However, in case of a young person without low testosterone, there would not be any significant changes as his levels would already be at its peak. There have been some tests done on humans also which have been not too much confirmatory on the side effects  or effectiveness of Tribulus Terrestris but none of them had too high a sample no of test subjects to be confirmatory on the results of the same.Since it’s aphrodisiac in use since the ancient times , you can try it out and see the results if it works out for you.Tribulus can help increase sexual desire in men and women.

Tongkat Ali Benefits:
  • Sexual stamina, sensation
  • Erectile function, lubrication
  • Orgasms and climaxes
  • Mood, motivation, and vision
Over the past few years, there have been quite a number of studies that have tested it in relation to sexual effects. The results have been quite positive. There is some evidence that the use of this herb, at least in high dosages in rodents, increases levels of testosterone.Tongkat Ali (pasak bumi) with scientific name Eurycoma longifolia, is a flowering plant that is native in Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Tongkat ali is a treelet that takes about 20 years to mature and grows up to 15 meters in height. Tongkat ali root has long been used as an aphrodisiac and remedy for age-related sexual disorders and symptoms of andropause. The root contains compounds that have repeatedly been shown in studies to stimulate libido, promote semen quality, and even support muscle growth. These effects have largely been attributed to increases in testosterone.Tongkat ali, a medicinal herb with the scientific name, Eurycoma longifolia Jack, is a popular herbal supplement with many purported benefits. According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the active constituents of tongkat ali appear to be eurycomalacton, eurycomanon, and eurycomanol. Scientific studies into the active chemical components of tongkat ali have revealed several possible uses for the herb, namely, as an aphrodisiac, ergogenic aid and more.

Benefits Of 5-Methyl-7-methoxy-Isoflavone:

What Is It?  And Where Does It Come From? 
Can you think of any supplement other than creatine that dramatically increases muscle mass, enhances strength, energy, and produces a leaner more muscular body? Such a quest has been going on for quite some time now. These "miracle substances" inserted the super-potent male hormone testosterone into the body and the body reacted by recovering faster from workouts, building more quality muscle than previously thought possible, and causing fat to burn quicker. Wow! Great, perfect... until the side effects came to light. This artificial testosterone caused more than just the muscles to grow. All the inner organs of the body also grew, causing "turtle belly". Not to mention other possible androgenic side-effects like sodium retention, acne, gynecomastia, aggression, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, palpitations, enlarged heart, virilization,  decreased blood clotting ability, headaches, , stomach aches, jaundice, muscle tears, enlarged prostate, premature hair loss, stunted growth, immune system suppression, sterility, and anaphylactic shock?just to name a few.

The search for a supplement that would produce the highly anabolic and sought-after steroid-like effects of faster muscle growth, recovery, and fat-burning, yet avoid the androgenic steroid-like side effects (acne, male-pattern baldness, prostate enlargement, etc.) has been an impossible feat?until now! Meet the Flavone family: 7-Isopropoxyisoflavone (Ipriflavone) and 5-methyl-7-methoxy-isoflavone (Methoxyisoflavone). These powerful anabolic compounds have just been brought to market by several pioneering companies. The results thus far are highly impressive to say the least. In fact, they may just be the sports supplements that everyone's been looking for! These flavones were originally discovered and patented by a Hungarian company, which we'll discuss further in a minute. The funny thing is, other than researching the compounds and becoming very impressed by them, they just sat on them and did?well, pretty much nothing as far as marketing and making them available to the population. Luckily the work they did laid the foundation for what we have today! When the patent expired and researchers read the paperwork-what they found out was shocking! Not only did 5-methyl-7-methoxy-isoflavone and 7-Isopropoxyisoflavone increase protein synthesis and increase lean mass, but they also reduced body fat, lowered cholesterol levels, promoted endurance, an increased state of vitality, and increased the body's ability to use oxygen! In other words, these are the perfect anabolic supplements...

Supplements Facts:

Vitamin B-6  25mg
Zinc (zinc methionine) 4.5mg
Magnesium (maghesium oxide) 6.5mg
Tribulus (45% extract) 200mg
DHEA, Deer Antler (powder) 100mg
Tongkat Ali (powder) 100mg
5-Methyl-7-methoxy-Isoflavone 50mg
Alpha Lipoic Acid 25mg
Octacosanol (from wheat germ) 500mcg

Other Ingredients: Gelatin (bovine), rise powder, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide

Serving Size: 1 Capsule, Servings Per Container: 60

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement. This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustacean shellfish. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Positive feedback rating 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 s********s ( 54 Blue star ) 2016-05-03