The Nexus Element quad-loading system is our most affordable loader, completely UK made, set-and-forget, left or right-handed shotgun cartridge caddy in 8, 12, 14, 20, 24, 28 and 32 options.

The Nexus Element comes with:

Optional accessories include Nexus Pro upgrade kits or spring spacers.

We recommend a full belt setup would be a 12 and a 28 loader. 

This gives your initial load and still have enough to complete even the longest of stages.

Nexus Element is a set and forget system which will take any cartridge with an unfired length from 51-67.5mm. 

That means any cartridge, bird, buck or slug that you would use in training or competition will fit in the Nexus system with no further adjustment. 

No longer do you have to commit to loading either right or left-handed, it takes just 10 minutes to convert an assembled Nexus 12 from one hand to the other.

In line with MAGLOAD ethos, the Nexus is versatile, well built, easy to use and is the most affordable system on the market. 

It also meets current IPSC and 3 Gun rules.



Easy to use

As standard, the Nexus Element comes with our lifetime warranty.