FEB ALUMINUM PATCH SERPENT SMOKE FEB (Força Expedicionaria Brasileira) 

On May 8, 2015, Brazil celebrated 70 years of V-E Day. It was May 8, 1945, the formal date of the defeat of Nazi Germany in favor of the Allies in World War II. in 2015 Brazil issued this commemorative plaque which was distributed to Brazilian veterans and military personnel.

Size: 6CM X 5CM (2.36 x 1.96 inches)

The Brazilian Expeditionary Force (also known by the acronym FEB), was an airborne military force made up entirely of 25,834 men and women, which during World War II was responsible for Brazil's participation alongside the Allies. His campaign motto "The snake is smoking", was an ironic allusion to what was said at the time of its formation, that it would be "Easier for a snake to smoke a pipe than for Brazil to participate in the war in Europe". Such "pragmatism" was interrupted at the beginning of 1942, when the United States and the Brazilian government agreed to transfer air bases on the island of Fernando de Noronha and along the north-northeast coast of Brazil to receive US military bases.
 The insignia of the FEB is formed by a green snake smoking a pipe, on a yellow background. At the top of the snake figure is written BRAZIL in white on a blue background. The outline of the emblem is in red. The meaning of all this: yellow background, green snake, the white letters and the bottom of the sign in blue represent the colors of the flag, the red border means war.