John Deere NOS New 70 Gas Wiring Harness OEM Part number AF1698R Used on John Deere 70 up to SN 7008099 This is a genuine John Deere OEM part. It is new and never used; often called a new old stock part. Please look closely at the pictures to see what you are getting. You are getting only what was in the box.

John Deere NOS New 70 Gas Wiring Harness OEM
Part number AF1698R
Used on John Deere 70 up to SN 7008099
This is a genuine John Deere OEM part.
It is new and never used; often called a new old stock part.
Please look closely at the pictures to see what you are getting.
You are getting only what was in the box.

Parts Inquiries and General Questions Welcome!!
Matt Teesdale
Specializing in John Deere Two-Cylinder
parts, tractors, and repair
MODELS A B G 50 60 70 520 530 620 630 720 730

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