Warhead Industries are Pioneers in Airsoft motor technologies. The new brushless Aluminium motor was designed from the ground up with the highest specification in mind. A complete set of new moulds including stator were used to product the best AEG motor in the industry.

The Warhead base motor is designed to bring more customers into the world of brushless technology. Offering an affordable platform with great performance. Although it doesn't match the performance or the build quality of the CNC black version, it does offer excellent trigger response, battery life and response time, which places it firmly ahead of its brushed counterparts.

This motor works with all current ETU's, MOSFET's and standard mechanical trigger contacts. A recommended upgrade for any Airsofter who wants to increase rate of fire, responsiveness, reliability and make battery charge last longer.

Brushless DC motors have no brushes to get worn out, which represents a huge leap forward in technology. Brushless motors output significantly higher efficiency and performance, and have a lower susceptibility to mechanical wear than their brushed counterparts.

The accelerated wear and tear due to constant contact of the brushes and the energy generated as heat means that brushed motors are expected to break down much sooner than brushless motors. It is generally not recommended to operate a brushed motors for longer than several minutes continuously. Without a chance to cool down, heat build up in brushed motors can easily compromise the integrity of its coils or brushes. Although in brushless motors there is still some heat generation due to air friction, this is kept at a manageable level. Brushless motors can typically run from 30 minutes to and hour continuously with no problems.

Brushless motors offer several other advantages:

Technical specifications:

Red or green Loctite is advised by Warhead Industries when installing pinion gear.