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Titolo: Mindful Flatulence
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Find Your Focus, De-stress and Release
Autore: Gus T. Blooms
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1789293138
EAN: 9781789293135
ISBN: 9781789293135
Publisher: Michael O'Mara Books Ltd
Genere: Humour & Joke Books
Data di pubblicazione: 29/10/2020

Learn the art of mindful flatulence and how to throw caution to your wind with Gas Cleric, Gus T. Blooms.

This precious tome will show you how to take control of your wind and go with its flow. Discover the art of slowing down, savouring the silence (and smell) and getting to know your gasses. From the copious benefits of gas relief to how you can train your brain to release mindfully, this little book brings together essential exercises to help you clear your bottom and your mind as one.

It can be easy to rush through life without noticing your flatulence. Paying attention to your farts, and their surrounding wind, has proven to improve your sense of humour.

Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 198mm
Lunghezza: 129mm
Larghezza: 12mm
Title Format: Paperback
Lingua: inglese
Anno di pubblicazione: 2020

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