1:32 Yak-25 M "Flashlight" – Limited edition resin kit

In the middle of the summer of 1952, one of the most interesting Soviet aircraft of its time took off.. This is the Yak 25 interceptor fighter. Created in the late 40s, it was in service until the mid 60s and gave rise to the development of a series of aircraft with a similar layout scheme.
Carrying out the tasks of protecting the air borders of the USSR, the aircraft was used to destroy autotmatic drifting balloons, the last recorded interception on this aircraft model was carried out in July 1968.
In total, 638 aircraft were produced, of which 406 were in the modification of the Yak-25M. It is this model that we present on a scale of 1:32

 Unassembled kit

A model is intended for the advanced collectors of having an experience with resin models.

A set is not completed instruction on assembling
In a set of is added decal

To build step by step photoСD instructions included to help you gather this interesting model.

The photo shows a model made from this kit.

If you have questions about a model will endeavour to answer on them.

The model is sent by registered airmail with track number.

Handling time 5 days

Buyers from Germany, please take into consideration that there may be a time delay in passing customs control in Germany

Käufer aus Deutschland, mögliche Verzögerungen bei der Zollabfertigung in Deutschland

Dear buyers from the European Union, due to the introduction of new customs clearance rules and the payment of VAT on July 1/21, additional costs in the form of customs duties are possible. When ordering, please pay attention to this.

Limited edition resin kit