3 PACKS -FINALGON 20gr. Ointment for Rheumatism,Muscular Aches.

Unguent care contains per 1gram 4 mg nonivamid and 25 mg nicoboxil.
German pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim

Therapeutic effects:

Nonivamide is a synthetic analogue of capsaicine. It expresses analgesic effect as a result of gradual penetration of the active substance in the peripheral nociceptive C-fibers and A-delta nerve fibers when the ointment is being re-applied to the skin.

Nicoboxil (butoxyethanol ester of nicotinic acid) has a direct vasodilating action.

The components of the drug complement each other's action.

Finalgon causes hyperemia of skin, increases the rate of enzyme reactions, stimulates metabolism. Onset of hyperemia and increased skin temperature for a few minutes after application prove rapid penetration of active ingredients into the skin.


arthralgia and myalgia of rheumatic origin
sports injuries, bruises, ligament apparatus damages
myalgia caused by excessive physical exercise
bursitis, tendovaginitis
in the complex therapy of peripheral circulation disorders


Allergic reactions: possible skin rash, swelling of the face, slight transient skin irritation and burning sensation in the area of application of the drug.Cautions and restrictions:

Do not use Finalgon if you have any of the following conditions:
hypersensitivity to the drug
pregancy, breastfeeding

The drug is not applied to open skin wounds and skin with impaired permeability, to the neck, abdomen and inner thighs.

Additional information:

The drug should be stored in a place inaccessible to children at temperature not above 25 ° C. Shelf life - 4 years.