50 yd extra heavy black

DuPont KEVLAR® Sewing Thread (TEX105)

ideal for Shoe and Boot Repair, Leather and Canvas stitching, luggage repair, etc.


50 yd of extra heavy black TEX105 DuPont KEVLAR® Thread (not the cone in the picture!), about twice as strong as a Nylon or Polyester thread of the same size, shipped by Priority Mail

Excellent for all your extra heavy sewing needs (compare the thread size with the thickness of the dime shown in the second picture) were you need a black thread.

Ideal for heavy Leather stitching, Shoe, Boot, and Luggage Repair, Canvas sewing and especially for Fireman's Boots, tools for fire performances (fire spitting, fire eating) and toys for fire play, as KEVLAR is heat resistant up to 750° Fahrenheit (begins to decompose between 800° F and 900° F). There is no flame or fire proof synthetic fiber, so KEVLAR® will decompose if you hold it into a flame (mean temperature of a candle flame: 1,500° Fahrenheit!).


Free shipping after first 50 yd, so whether you buy 50 yd, 300 yd or 1,000 yd, the shipping charge is the same!


TO AVOID ANY CONFUSION: The pictures shows a 3.000 yd cone.

You get one generic spool in generic packaging with the thread you order, so either 50 yards or multiples thereof, in one piece. Obviously, every spool looks different, depending on quantity ordered.