Example Quotes from GiftBook: .

And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. And if one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them, but address them in terms of honour. And, lower to them (out of kindness), the wing of submission through mercy, and say, My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy, as they cherished me and brought me up when I was small.


Protecting me from all the dangers that be That was your fatherly duty, But the time you invested in advising me Is more than anyone afforded me. Your strength was not in brawn but in diplomacy, I always felt safe in your company. You were the glue that kept everyone together, InshaAllah in Paradise we'll live happily forever.

Ideal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.


Friend The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Example Quotes from GiftBook:

You will see the believers in their mutual kindness, love and sympathy just like one body. When a limb complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever. (Bukhari and Muslim)

I love for you whatever I love for myself For we are inextricably linked by faith Ideal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.


Husband The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Example Quotes from GiftBook:

O mankind! Reverence your Guardian- Lord, who Created you from a single soul, Created of like nature, his mate, and from this pair scattered (like seeds) countless men and women. [Q4:1]

Dear husband you are my man, My invaluable confidante close at hand Your kind words and compassion Support my worship in timely fashion May Allah reward you for your actions.

Ideal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.


Sister The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Example Quotes from GiftBook:

He who likes that his sustenance should be expanded and his age may be lengthened should join the tie of kinship. (Muslim)

Recounting each childhood pleasure And sorrow in varying measure A special theme links the two: Al-Hamdulillah I shared them with you. Ideal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.


Mother The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Example Quotes from GiftBook:

And We have enjoined upon man (to be good and dutiful) to his parents; (because) his mother bore him in weakness, and hardship, and his weaning is in two years. (Hear the Command, therefore,), Show gratitude (and thanks) to Me and to your parents; (then) unto Me is the final destination. [Q31:14]

Through you, Allah brought me here Great pain and suffering you did bear I could never pay you back Words of gratitude I do lack From pen to paper I do convey The innermost love with which I pray I do love you with all my heart In Paradise I hope we never part.

Ideal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.


Brother The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Example Quotes from GiftBook:

Nurse no grudge, nurse no aversion and do not sever ties of kinship and live like fellow-brothers as servants of Allah. (Muslim)

Dear brother I don't even have to say a word But by you my words are always heard A language that only siblings understand Learned from always being close at hand Shared parents, laughter and pain InshaAllah our love will never be in vain. I

deal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur'anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.