There will be 10 bulbs.

These need a cold winter for bulbs to produce flowers.

Plant as soon as possible for them to establish roots so they can bloom properly. Flowers do not always bloom the first season they are planted because of root disruption. Plant about 6 inches deep and full sun is best.

Most of California and Florida do not have cold winters so these will not flourish there.

In the spring these bulbs produce a "strap" foliage. This then nourishes the bulb and gradually gets mowed down or dries and withers away. Later in the summer (late July and early August here in Missouri) these will send a bare stalk up through the surface of the soil about 12-18 inches in height on top of which the pale purple/pink circle of flowers will bloom....with absolutely no leaves. Thus the common names of naked ladies and surprise lillies are derived.

Thank you ♡♡♡