The National Eye Institute found a link between vision loss from macula damage due to age and poor nutrition. They sponsored a landmark study called the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS). The study found that a combination of Vitamins C and E, Carotene, and Zinc reduced the risk of this disease by 25%. And by taking 40-80mg of Zinc together with specific antioxidants improved vision loss by 19%. That is why you will get a full 80mg of Zinc with these antioxidants in COMPLETE VISION FORMULA!

Vitamin E supplements can delay Cataract formation. The Roche European American Cataract Trial of 2002 found that long-term supplementation of Vitamins E and C and carotenoids can delay eye damage that causes cataracts. This damage is from free radical oxidation that breaks down healthy eye tissue. The nutrients in COMPLETE VISION FORMULA help fight these molecules and support healthy eyes and vision.

Vitamin C promotes healthy blood vessels, including the delicate capillaries in the retina. Studies show that long-term vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of forming cataracts or vision loss from macula tissue damage. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids work together as important antioxidants that help keep your eyes, vision, and body healthy.

The natural nutrients in COMPLETE VISION FORMULA help:

Prime quality COMPLETE VISION FORMULA is packed with potent antioxidants to help fight eye and vision-damaging free radicals. Boosts production of eye pigment melanin that protects your eyes from harsh UV rays. This protection packs a mighty punch against vision deterioration and loss, especially as you age!

EYE-STRENGTHENING SUPERSTAR! Supports healthy, strong-walled blood vessels that nourish the eye's vital centers, including the corneas, retinas, lenses, and macula. It improves the matrix quality of connective tissue, including collagen of the eyes cornea.  And it enhances eye tissue firmness and health. COMPLETE VISION FORMULA helps you retain your ability to read a menu, drive, and enjoy a sunset!

BOOSTS BLOOD CIRCULATION TO YOUR EYES! Healthy blood circulation is critical to nourish eye cells and support healthy vision, long-term. Optimal nourishment improves mucus secretion, reduces eye irritation, and promotes healthy eye metabolism. The National Institute of Health found a conclusive link between vision health and proper nutrition. Sometimes food is not enough; that is why many doctors and researchers recommend supplements. The premium quality ingredients of COMPLETE VISION FORMULA is a fabulous infusion of eye nourishment!

TARGETED NOURISHMENT FOR HEALTHY EYES & VISION! Chock-full of specific nutrients for multiple avenues of eye health. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, carotenoids, and immunity regulators work in harmony for enhanced benefits. They provide the building blocks to rejuvenate your eyes? ability to rebuild, repair, protect, and maintain healthy eye metabolism and vision!

REDUCES THE RISK OF DETERIORATION & VISION LOSS! Nourishing your eyes at the cellular level helps support the foundation of healthy vision. These nutrients help reduce immunity markers, prevent oxidative damage, protect against harmful UV rays, and high-energy blue wavelength light. COMPLETE VISION FORMULA?s burst of eye and vision star nutrients means you can enjoy watching your children and grandchildren flourish while retaining your joyful independence!

INGREDIENTS: VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid), VITAMIN E (mixed tocopherols), ZINC (as citrate), COPPER (as gluconate), BILBERRY (fruit), EYEBRIGHT EXTRACT (aerial parts), LUTEIN, ZEAXANTHIN.

DIRECTIONS: Take 2 capsules once daily. For best results, take 20-30 minutes before a meal with 8oz of water. Store in a cool, and dry place.

SAFETY FACTS: Although COMPLETE VISION FORMULA has no reports of side effects, we recommend if you have a chronic illness to consult your physician before taking any supplement.
IMPORTANT:  Our ingredients are natural.  We carefully select scientifically proven ingredients used in clinical and reviewed studies shown to be safe and effective.  However, like all things grown in Nature, some people experience sensitivities.  Please check the labels for allergens that apply to you and avoid use.  If you experience uncomfortable reactions or allergic side effects, please discontinue use and contact your healthcare provider.