Melothria Scabra  
  Mexican Sour Cucumber  
15/100  Cucamelon Seeds

Vigorous climbing vine which produces small fruits that are grape sized and look like miniature watermelons. Flavour is similar to cucumber with a tangy citrus twist. Fruit can be pickled or eaten fresh. Fruits are 2cm long and oval shaped. Semi-drought tolerant once established. Can be grown in pots. Older fruits have a more sour flavour. Once vines lose their leaves in winter you can dig up the root which will have formed a tuber and store it in a cool dark place over winter to re-plant in spring which will produce a more abundant harvest in their second year.
Also known as "Mouse Melon" or "Mexican Sour Gherkin".
Sow surface from 22 to 28C°
Use propagator if necessary