Product Information:

Name: Marshmallow root

Scientific name: Althaea officinalis

Family: Malvaceae

Expiration Date: Provided on the bag


Althea also known as marshmallow is a genus of wildflowers very common mainly in southern Europe but is also native to Australia and Asia. It is also called arboriculture. They are native plants of temperate regions, related to mallow, from which they are easily distinguished.

It has a fluffy, upright stem, round, toothed, gray-green leaves, reddish or white flowers. It's roots are perennial, thick, long and tapering, very tough and pliant, whitish yellow outside, white and fibrous within. We usually find it near riverbeds, as it prefers moist, sandy soils.

Althea has anti-inflammatory properties and mainly affects mucosal irritations. The properties of the root are emollient, diuretic and healing. The root is mainly used for digestive problems such as inflammation of the mouth (gingivitis, periodontitis), gastritis and peptic ulcer.

It helps fight intense and dry cough and cold and acts as a mild expectorant. Finally it can also help with skin conditions, wounds and disorders, muscle and tendon pains and insect bites when used as a poultice.

Making Tea: Put 1 teaspoon of the root in a cup of boiling water and leave it for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Drink up to 2 times a day.

Remember: Herbs are not a substitute for medicine. For their best and safe use it is better to consult your doctor.


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