SAFLAX - Bonsai - Wild Crab - 30 seeds - Malus sylvestris

Vitamine provider since the Stone Age / Outdoor Bonsai

There are about twenty original species of the deciduous Wild Crab. Through cross-breeding over centuries, almost 20.000 varieties were developed, and the plant became the most common fruit tree in the world.

Natural location: Originally the Wild Crab grew all over Europe, Asia and North America.

Cultivation: Seed propagation indoors is possible from February until October. To increase the germinability, you should initially keep the seeds in the refrigerator for about three days - then place them for another 24 hours in a bowl with lukewarm water for priming. After that, plant the seeds about 1 cm deep into moist potting compost and cover the seed container with clear film to prevent the earth from drying out. Don’t forget to make some holes in the clear film and take it every second or third day completely off for about 2 hours. That way you avoid mold formation on your potting compost. Place the seed container somewhere bright and warm with a temperature between 20°C and 25° Celsius and keep the earth moist, but not wet. Usually it takes only four to eight weeks until germination.

Place: The Wild Crab prefers a sunny place since it needs plenty of light for developing a rich blossoming and plenty of fruits. During summer it should be protected from the direct midday sun.

Care: The Wild Crab needs plenty of water, especially after blossoming and the beginning of fructification. In March, before blossoming, and at the beginning of June, after fructification, as well as in the time from the end of August until November, you should provide the plant with fluid fertilizer for bonsai plants once a month. The new shoots should only be pruned after blossoming to protect the base of the fruit formation. In young plants you can cut back half of the new leaves, and in autumn you may also prune the branches to achieve the desired form. At the end of May, you should lower the new branches before they lignify through wiring, to slow down the growth and enhance the development of more short sprouts. After one month you can remove the wiring. Young plants should be repotted annually and matured trees every two years, either during autumn or in spring.

During winter: During winter, you best remove the bonsai from its bowl and plant it out in a wind-protected place.

Bonsai ability: Yes

Picture credits :

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14953-malus-sylvestris-seed-package-front-german.jpg - © Jeremy Norbury - About © : Contact SAFLAX
saflax-multipicture-german.jpg - Frank Laue - © Saflax
14953-malus-sylvestris-cultivation-instruction-german.jpg - Frank Laue - © Saflax
14953-32-Malus-silvestris.jpg - © Jeremy Norbury - .
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