SAFLAX - Organic - Cucumber - Marketmore - 20 seeds - With potting substrate for better cultivation - Cucumis sativus

Not a standard cucumber from the supermarket – tasty with bumps and humps

With germfree and permeable potting substrate based on coconut fiber for suceessful cultivation.

Marketmore is a high-yielding, dark green variety with up to 25 cm long, slender fruits with a nice and bitter-free taste. Unlike the usual cucumbers from the supermarket, the Marketmore shows irregular small bumps – the so-called spines. The plant does well with cold weather conditions and is naturally pest-resistant. Cucumbers are basically a kind of solid mineral water since they’re composed to 97 % of water and also contain valuable ingredients, like potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. You can expect to harvest the cucumbers regularly from the end of July. Ideally, you will be able to pluck fresh cucumbers twice a week until the end of September. Cucumbers are very versatile to use in the kitchen and not only suited for green salads or for garnishing. They go especially well together with dill or mint, and are used in Tabbouleh, Raita and Tzatziki.

Natural location: The origin of the Marketmore cucumber is still a matter of dispute among experts, but it is presumed somewhere between Africa and India.

Cultivation: Pre-propagation should only be started from the middle of April to ensure that the plants don’t grow too tall before planting out. Plant the seeds about 2 cm deep into a pot that is filled only half with moist coconut substrate or organic vegetable substrate. Cover the seed container with clear film that you provide with a few small holes. That way the substrate doesn’t dry out, but also gets some air. Every second or third day, you might want to take the clear film completely off for about 2 hours to avoid mold formation on your potting compost. Place the seed container somewhere bright and warm with a temperature between 20° and 25° Celsius and keep the substrate moist, but not wet. The germination usually takes place after three to five weeks. As soon as the first leaves of the strongest seedling outgrow the rim of the pot, you should prick out the weaker sprouts and fill the pot with additional substrate. That way the seedling will develop so-called adventitious roots that colonize the soil more quickly. After the Ice Saints and with a padding provided, the plants can either be moved to a bigger pot or tub, or they can be planted out in the patch while leaving a space of about 60 cm between them.

Place: Cucumbers prefer a warm and sunny place for cultivation that is preferably sheltered from the wind as well.

Care: Cucumbers become quickly bitter with dryness. Therefore, you should water the plant regularly, but avoid water logging. Cucumbers usually grow on the ground, but in order to preserve space it is advisable to provide the plant with a strong trellis. Watch out for snails as they often go for the young cucumber sprouts! About two weeks after blooming, the first cucumbers will be ready for harvesting. The Marketmore is most tasteful when it hasn’t yet reached the size of a typical supermarket cucumber. Overripe yellow fruits should absolutely be taken off, as not to weaken whole the plant.

During winter: Cucumbers are perennial plants that can be sowed again next year.

Bonsai ability: No

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28376-cucumis-sativus-seed-package-front-german.jpg - About © : Contact SAFLAX -
12401-Kokostab-500-ml.jpg - Frank Laue - © Saflax
18376-cucumis-sativus-cultivation-instruction-german.jpg - Frank Laue - © Saflax
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18376-33-cucumis-sativus.jpg - About © : Contact SAFLAX -
18376-34-cucumis-sativus.jpg - About © : Contact SAFLAX -
18376-35-cucumis-sativus.jpg - About © : Contact SAFLAX -
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18376-37-cucumis-sativus.jpg - About © : Contact SAFLAX -