Grammy-nominated drummer Aric Improta is best known as the drummer for American rock bands Fever 333 and Night Verses. The drummer is recognized in the music community for his passionate performance as well as his masterful technique. When he’s not behind a drumkit, you can find Aric dedicating time to his visual art. His intricate illustrations consist of multiple layers and take many hours of dedication to produce. An undeniable level of commitment goes into each piece, which is immediately noticeable and appreciated. The musician and artist has collaborated with several brands throughout his career. Most recently, Improta designed an exclusive line of drumheads with Remo. Each drumhead is covered in the Rockstar’s original illustrations.

When not behind a drumkit, Grammy-nominated drummer Aric Improta can be found dedicating time to his other passion, visual art. This geometric landscape design boldly stands out on a Black Matte backdrop using our Color Image process.