SAFLAX - Garden in the Bag - Bonsai - American Sweet Gum - 100 seeds - With substrate in a fitting stand up bag - Liquidamber styraciflua

The colours of the Indian Summer – frost-hard Outdoor Bonsai

Create the perfect environment for a successful cultivation process. Garden in the Bag provides the nurturing substrate in the practical standup bag. Just add water and watch as the dried, light block produces abundant cultivation substrate for your seeds in just a few minutes.

The botanical name “Liquidambar” and the English name “American Sweet Gum” pointing to the fluid that comes out of the plant when scarified. In the USA this fluid is used for making chewing gum. The dark-coloured wood of the tree with its spicy smell and nice grain is predominantly used in the timber industry, while the aromatic resin is utilized in soap making and perfumery.

Natural location: The natural habitat of the American Sweet Gum reaches from the northeastern USA (State of New York) until Nicaragua. The tree grows mainly on humid mountain sides and in river valleys. Until the ice age it could also be found in Europe.

Cultivation: Seed propagation indoors is possible throughout the year. Spread the seeds onto moist potting compost and put just a little compost earth on top. Then, cover the seed container with clear film to prevent the earth from drying out. Don’t forget to make some holes in the clear film and take it every second or third day completely off for about 2 hours. That way you avoid mold formation on your potting compost. Place the seed container somewhere bright and warm with a temperature between 20° and 25° Celsius and keep the earth moist, but not wet. After four to eight weeks the first seedlings will come up.

Place: The American Sweet Gum can be cultivated in half-shaded to full sunny places, and in moist soil or even dry earth with additional watering. However, it doesn’t like waterlogging and compact soils - the best option is to use quality bonsai earth for cultivation.

Care: During summer the earth should not dry out - so see that you water your plant properly a couple of times every week. The American Sweet Gum has rather modest nutrient requirements, and a quality fertilizer for bonsai plants once a month from the first sprouting until autumn should do the job. In spring and before sprouting, is the best time for pruning and wiring to get your bonsai in shape. Sprouts that grow too long can be pruned back all year until two or three buds. Shift the tree every two to three years during spring to a new pot, before the next sprouting.

During winter: For younger plants a light frost protection is advisable - matured trees are fully frost-resistant up to -25° Celsius.

Bonsai ability: Yes

Picture credits :

Due to technical restrictions, the links to the image rights cannot be specified here.

64005-liquidamber-styraciflua-seed-package-front-german.jpg - © Sage Ross - CC-BY-SA-3.0
12405-garden-in-the-bag.jpg - Frank Laue - © Saflax
14005-liquidamber-styraciflua-cultivation-instruction-german.jpg - Frank Laue - © Saflax
14005-31-Liquidamber-styraciflua.jpg - Drew Avery - CC-BY-2.0
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