Very large, illustrated history of Scotland.  This copy no. 56 in a limited edition of 300 in this format:

Scottish History and Life

Edited by James Paton

Published by James Maclehouse & Sons in 1902


History of Scotland: Prehistoric Remains; Sculptured Stones of Scotland; Early Scottish History; Medieval History; Mary Queen of Scots; James the Sixth; King, Kirk and Covenant; Before the Union; The Union; The Jacobite Risings; After the Rebellion;.

Aspects of Scottish Life:
Scottish Burghs, Guilds and Incorporations; Scottish Burghal Characters; Deer Stalking, Fishing and Falconry; Archery Golf and Curling; Scottish Weapons; Old Scottish Plate; Records of Freemasonry; Early Literary Manuscripts; Some Scottish Ecclesiastical Relics; Aspects of Social Life in Scotland; The Scottish Universities,

Memorials of Glasgow: Glasgow.

Illustrated with 24 full page plates and 437 smaller illustrations

Large hardback book. 343 pages in total, 30cm by 39 cm.

Good condition

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