Product Information:

Name: Damask Rose

Scientific name: Rosa × damascena

Family: Rosaceae

Origin: Morocco

Expiration Date: Provided on the bag


Damask Rose(Rosa × damascena) also known as Bulgarian rose, Turkish rose, Taif rose, Arab rose and Ispahan rose, is a pink rose that is a cultivated hybrid and it is claimed to have developed in Iran and is a cross between two different species of rose. It is a perennial shrub that develops a deep root system and shoots exceeding 2.5 m. It blooms in late spring - early summer (May-June), once a year.

Its petals are edible and they can be used to flavor food, as a garnish, as an herbal tea, and can be preserved in sugar. Its petals are rich in vitamins C, B and E.

Rose buds have astringent, cardiac and head tonic properties. The decoction of thes flowers has been used to treat chest and abdominal pain, menstrual bleeding and digestive diseases. Decoctions of dried petals were also used as a diuretic and were recommended to relieve fever. Finally the Damask rose is believed to have anti-aging properties.

Making Tea: Put 1-2 teaspoons of the dried herb in a cup of boiling water and leave it for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Drink up to 3 times a day.

Remember: Herbs are not a substitute for medicine. For their best and safe use it is better to consult your doctor.


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