
Easily the most spectacularly marked of all the hillstream loaches, the Reticulated Hillstream Loach or Reticulated Butterfly Sucker is found in fast-flowing, rocky rapids in Central and Northern Vietnam. Perfectly adapted for life in fast moving waters, their heavily modified pectoral and anal fins form a suction-cup-like ventral surface that allows them to not only attach to almost any surface but actually move forward against strong current and even climb up sheer rock faces and waterfalls. Due to their specialized nature, they require fast, cool, well-oxygenated water not above 76F and strong current in the aquarium. They will readily feed on biofilms, algae, and certain prepared foods like Fluval Bug Bites Pleco Formula or Repashy Gel Diet. A social and outgoing species, they will thrive in groups of 5 or more and have successfully been bred in the aquarium.


These fish range from 1 to 3 inches in length.

Recommended Tank Parameters

  • pH level range: 6.5 to 7.5
  • Temperature range: 68 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Water type: kH 10-15
  • Notes from the owner:
    • It's best to use sand or fine gravel as substrate in an aquarium with loaches and other types of bottom-dwellers. Other types of substrate may have sharp edges that can be abrasive to the fish as they swim along the bottom of the tank.
    • All hillstream loaches thrive best in schools of three fish or more.
    • It is also important to provide plenty of hiding and resting places for these fish, which can be provided by driftwood and sturdy plants.
    • Hillstream loaches require especially clean water, so we recommend weekly water changes of about 30%.


Hillstream loaches are omnivores and grazers, so they will feed on algae and biofilm in your tank.  They also like to eat most kinds of live foods, such as insect larvae, tubifex, daphnia, and frozen or live brine shrimp.   They will also eat fish flakes or pellets, as well as algae wafers.