You are about to buy ONE (I have several) barely used, Unlocked Alcatel OT510A cellular bar Phone black and silver, 3G (2G backward compatible), originally for AT&T, now unlocked for any GSM provider worldwide.

Please find out with your carrier if a 3G phone can be used in their network. It works without problems in Mexico and most Central and South America countries. If you already have a 3G activated SIM card, it will work for sure, as it work with my 2G, 3G SIM that I use to test them making a call.

Tested making calls with a SpeedTalk sim card (a T-Mobile reseller).


The phone has a clean IMEI, picture.

Attention: We have database of IMEI and serial numbers for every phone sold. Every attempt to commit fraud activity will be reported to authorities for "Internet fraud"