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Título: Keepsakes & Reminders
Condición: Nuevo
Format: CD
EAN: 0810540034041
Edition: Album
Género: Rock/Pop
Estilo: Emo
Fecha de lanzamiento: 12/11/2021
Description: 'The album is a collection of songs that represent the past 4 years of my life, touching on topics about ends of relationships, constant battles with mental health, growing older and emptier everyday and left with past memories and items of times where everything seemed alright'. - Tyler
Número de discos: 1
Artista: Youth Fountain
Record Label: Pure Noise
MPN: PNE3172
Año de lanzamiento: 2021
1: My Mental Health
2: Century
3: Hideaway
4: Peace Offering
5: Reminders
5: Sentiments
6: Dark Grey
7: Vertigo
8: Aimless
9: Nosedive
10: Mishap
11: Jinxed
12: Take One Capsule a Day
13: Scavenger
14: Keepsake

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