
 G-2800DXC Rotator

Recommended Application Top of the Line, Low Profile, High Torque.
Planetary Gears improve braking for large 
arrays; heavy-duty applications.
Recommended for IN-TOWER mounting.

Wind Load 3m²
K-Factor (Turning Radius x Weight of Ae) 950
Stationary Torque 25,000 kg/cm
Rotation Torque 2,500 to 800 kg/cm
Max Vertical Load 300 kg
Max Vertical Intermittend Load 1,200 kg
Backlash 0.2º
Mast Size 48 to 63 Φ
360º Rotation Time 45 to 120 sec
180º Elevation Time N/A
Boom Diametre N/A
Rotator Diametre x Height 200 Φ x 345
Weight 6.5 kg
Cable Requirement (# wires) 6