"Painting is my first love affair", says Lisa. She acquired a passion for art at a young age and has remained committed and prolific. "I paint because it makes me feel good," says Linch. "It's my one consistent source of peace and stability." A buoyant spirit permeates her work and her canvases convey many other splendid fruits of her impeccable training, international education, and lifelong tendency to keep surpassing her last achievement.


Lisa Linch has made her name synonymous with lightly abstracted contemporary romantic subjects taken from life, imagination, and experience-filled memory. As an artist who puts design considerations ahead of others in executing a painting, Linch has recently seen a greater degree of abstraction find its way into her work. The challenge of painting an idea, a non-objective, intangible inner vision stokes the painter's creative fires, surprises and delights established collectors, and has helped to expand her audience.