Contingencies of Reinforcement: A Theoretical Analysis By B F Skinner ABA. This is the original first edition 1969 Meredith/Appleton-Century-Crofts publication copy of this book.

This vintage, collectible hard coverbook is in good condition with no rips, tears, or staining on the pages. Pretty great for a 50+ year-old book. If you have any questions, please let me know. And thank you so much for taking a look at my book.

B.F. Skinner is often (incorrectly) said to be anti-theory, but has stated clearly that A theory is essential to the scientific understanding of behavior as a subject matter. This book provides his writings on that essential topic. In addition the three parts outlined below from Skinner s introduction, this B. F. Skinner Foundation edition includes a new foreword by David C. Palmer.

PART I traces the emergence of the concept of contingencies of reinforcement and its use in the interpretation of cultural practices and in the Predication and control of human behavior. PART II takes up the nature and dimensions of behavior, the ontogenic and phylogenic variables of which it is a function, and the contingent relations among those variables. PART III returns to theories which appeal to events taking place somewhere else, at some other level of observation and shows how they are replaced by an analysis of contingencies of reinforcement.

About the Author

The B. F. Skinner Foundation is the Primary Resource for Information About B. F. Skinner and his heritage. Established in 1988, the B. F. Skinner Foundation promotes the science founded by B. F. Skinner and supports the practices derived from that science. The Foundation advances the understanding that a more humane world is achieved by replacing coercive techniques with positive procedures. We connect scholars, students, and the general public through our magazine, Operants. The Foundation's online and physical archives have a wealth of material from Skinner's literary estate, from donations by his colleagues and students, and by family members. The Foundation promotes the new research and continues to maintain contact with professionals and students worldwide who are former students, or colleagues of B. F. Skinner or individuals interested in his work. The Foundation is also the prime contact for permissions for reproducing Skinner material or for translations of Skinner's works.