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Titolo: Hey! Hey! USA
Formato: DVD
Condizione: Nuovo
Numero di dischi: 1
Genere: Commedie
Attore: Will Hay, Edgar Kennedy, David Burns
Regia: Marcel Varnel
Lingua: english
Tempo di esecuzione: 88
Codice regionale: DVD 1 (USA, CAN)
Marca: Gainsborough Pictures
Certificato: MPAA Not Rated
Descrizione: Benjamin Twist, a teacher working during school holidays as a ship's porter ends up on a ship bound for America and impersonating a professor, Phineas Tavistock. Along with American gangster and stowaway Bugs Leary (Edgar Kennedy), Twist finds himself entangled in a plot to kidnap the son of a millionaire whom 'Professor' Tavistock is teaching. Things are further complicated by the fact that two sets of gangsters are attempting to get their hands on the ransom money, which Twist is given to hand over.

Aspect Ratio:
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Color / Black & White:
Special Features:

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