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Lane Professional Airgun Regulator Parts & Kits

Exporting to 167 Countries (Jan 2024)

Air Arms S300/10 - S400/10 - S500/10
MPR (Not TDR) Hammer Springs

Springs Standard & Extra FAC are zinc plated to stop rust and surface deterioration, Medium is Stainless Steel. The Standard or Normal spring has the same 'Rate or Force of Compression' as the normal issue spring, with a coil less. The Extra HP is for FAC guns - Or like with the Medium often cut down and fitted to lower power guns / regulated guns to stop hammer bounce.

Buy One (1) Size Spring £9.49

Buy Two (2) Sizes of Spring £15.95

Buy pack of ALL THREE (3) Springs £19.95

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"YES - WORLD WIDE - Select Air Mail Tracked Shipping"
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Air Arms - Regulators - Spares & Accessories.