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CP1 - CP2 - PR900W - PP800
DIANA Stormrider
A replacement ADJUSTABLE TRAVEL (throw) 
Allowing for 17mm Adjustment -3.50mm + 13.50mm.
Comes with three (3) Center screws.

Making it possible for you to tune for Maximum Shot Count
in both regulated & un-regulated models, as well as
helping tune out hammer bounce.

Please note you need to install the M4 cocking screw off of your old /existing Striker
onto the new Striker.

Option 1:  One Hammer - Striker.

Option 2: Two Hammers - Strikers.

Is this product available world wide?
"YES - FREE POST - WORLD WIDE - Via Air Mail Tracked"
We ship too 167 Countries"

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and comprehensive information upon airgun regulators available in anywhere world wide
view all the relevant videos & FAQ’s upon Lane Regulators