"Louis XV Signed Letter Addressed to Jean Armand, Marquis de Joyeuse, Colonel of the Infantry Regiment of Ponthieu - Assignment of the Lieutenant"

Countersigned by Marc-Pierre de Voyer de Paulmy, Comte d'Argenson (1696 – 1764) - Secretary of State for War (7 January 1743 - 1 February 1757)

Size: 14.5" x 9.5" (37 cm x 24 cm), Signed, Sealed and Watermarked

"Monsieur le Marquis de Joyeuse having given the Chevalier Divory the post of lieutenant in the new battalion of the Ponthieu infantry regiment which you command, I am writing this letter to you to tell you that you have to receive him and have the said post recognized as all those, and so that it will belong”.

Infantry Regiment of Ponthieu of the Kingdom of France Created in 1685 and incorporated into the Regiment of Provence in 1749

Colonels and field masters of the Ponthieu Regiment:

August 4, 1685: Florent du Châtelet, Count of Lomont, brigadier March 10, 1690, field marshal September 28, 1695, lieutenant general of the King's armies December 23, 1702, † July 27, 1732

March 1, 1697: Claude, marquis de Ceberet, brigadier on April 21, 1706, field marshal on March 8, 1718, lieutenant general of the King's armies on December 22, 1731, † April 25, 1756

December 17, 1715: Louis Neyret, Marquis de La Ravoye

June 16, 1740: Jean Armand, marquis de Joyeuse, brigadier on January 1, 1748

Jean-Armand de Joyeuse (24/04/1718 - 12/12/1774) Knight of Malta then Marquis of Joyeuse and Ville-sur-Tourbe, Count of Grandpré, Lord & Marquis of Cailly, Count of SERG, Captain of cavalry in the regiment of Anjou then in that of Ponthieu-infantry (1741, after his brother), Brigadier of the Armies of the King (promotion of 31/12/1747), colonel in the Corps of Grenadiers of France (02/1749, after merger of his regiment into that of Provence), commands the Montboissier regiment (1751, resigns in 1755)


1748 44 - 1Yc 746 - 1er registre. «PONTHIEU», 1er bataillon. Abbaye d'Herkenrode sur le Demer dans le pays de Liège, 1er mai 1748 Signé : Demadières, major. Cies de grenadiers de Carpentay, Villelongue Colonelle [Vicomte de Joyeuse] d'Ablancourt lieut-colonelle [d'Antrechaux] Pavant Voisin Caupenne Montpereux Saint-Mars Cernay Sassignies Nantillac Duforne Montgilliers Tesson. Compagnie Voisin: 1736-1748; 43 hommes; A, Ln, Npm, D.