Organic Guarana

Our Guarana Bio food supplement is indicated for weight control.

Organic Guarana

Guarana, Paullinia cupana , is a vining, climbing shrub that grows along trees. After flowering, the plant produces clusters of fruit. The fruit is a capsule of red and orange color, which, when ripe, partially opens revealing the seeds, partly enveloped in a white film. Guarana originates from the Brazilian Amazon, on the ancestral territory of the Sateré-Mawé.

Guarana seeds contain caffeine (guaranine) as well as theophylline and theobromine. They also contain large amounts of alkaloids, terpenes, tannins, flavonoids, starch, saponins and resinous substances. Consumed for centuries by the peoples of the Amazon, guarana has mainly been used as an appetite suppressant and energizer. It has always been used by these peoples as a substitute for food, during long runs in the forest and long journeys.

Today, guarana is known to help fight excess weight as part of a slimming program by its contribution to fat metabolism.

It is also renowned for its stimulating and toning properties used to combat physical and mental fatigue.

Guarana (Paullinia cupana) seed*: 300 mg, tunic: gelling agent hydroxypropylmethylcellulose.

*Ingredient from organic farming

6 capsules per day at mealtimes.

Per day (6 capsules):

Guarana: 1800mg

120 capsules | 100% biodegradable white PLA

Made in France

EU organic farming

100% vegetarian

Without nanoparticles

No coloring, flavoring or preservative