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Titolo: Grateful Dead Gear
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: The Band's Instruments, Sound Systems and Recording Sessions From 1965 to 1995
ISBN-10: 0879308931
EAN: 9780879308933
ISBN: 9780879308933
Publisher: Backbeat Books
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 01/11/2006
Lingua: inglese
Altezza: 271mm
Lunghezza: 214mm
Larghezza: 19mm
Peso: 830g
Autore: Blair Jackson
Genere: Music Dance & Theatre
Description: The origins and secrets of the Grateful Dead's magical sound are told! This book is the first in-depth examination of the Dead's technical side including their recording methods. From the Acid Tests of the mid-'60s to the famous Wall of Sound PA setup in the '70s and on to their exceptional later touring systems the Grateful Dead were always on the cutting edge of technological innovation and experimentation. This exhaustive study includes clear and concise explanations of the band's equipment technology instrument design and studio recording techniques plus a history of the group. Features: more than 100 photos and diagrams many never before seen; new interviews with band members and tech personnel; suggested listening for every era of the group's history; and more!
Paese di origine: GB
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2006

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