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Titolo: Checkmate
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Alex Maleev, Brian Michael Bendis
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781779505798
ISBN: 9781779505798
Publisher: DC Comics
Genere: Manga
Data di pubblicazione: 19/07/2022
Description: The award-winning team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev are back with Event Leviathan: Checkmate, the sequel to the hit 2019 mystery that upended the DC Universe! Leviathan has agents and acolytes all over the world but what is the secret behind its power? The planet s last, best hope to infiltrate Leviathan may be a motley collection of spymasters, now teamed up to try to take back the world that was stolen from under us all! Green Arrow, the Question, Talia al Ghul, and other unlikely allies converge to tackle Leviathan as members of the new Checkmate but who is the surprise hero behind this team? Big clues to the future of the DC Universe start here!
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 259mm
Lunghezza: 168mm
Title Format: Paperback
Lingua: inglese
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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