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Título: Up
Condición: Nuevo
Format: CD
EAN: 0724381306208
Edition: Album
Género: Rock/Pop
Estilo: Rock
Fecha de lanzamiento: 01/04/2013
Description: Seventh studio album by the English rock musician and former Genesis frontman. It is his last full-length studio album of new original material to date, and includes the singles 'The Barry Williams Show', 'More Than This', 'Growing Up' and 'Darkness'.
Número de discos: 1
Artista: Peter Gabriel
Duración: Album
Tiempo de ejecución: 66.40
Record Label: Virgin Music UK LAS S&D
Año de lanzamiento: 2013
1: Darkness
2: Growing Up
3: Sky Blue
4: No Way Out
5: I Grieve
6: The Barry Williams Show
7: My Head Sounds Like That
8: More Than This
9: Signal to Noise
10: The Drop

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