WIFI & 4G Solution Stickers 4cm x 4cm for all Mobile Devices
(Special Ionic Silver Infused Shungite)
Our Shungite is enhanced with pure silver, to give full frequency protection, works instantly, slot in case or peel off. Devices that used to heat up will be cool from now on! Feel the difference straight away, peace of mind.
Choice of colors, excellent value. 
Silver infused Shungite Protection!

5 out of 5 stars    

Juls 21 May, 2022

5 out of 5 stars    

Michelle van Wyk 04 Feb, 2021

4 out of 5 stars    

stommenuil 19 Mar, 2022

Silver Infused shungite is capable of reversing the harmful wifi & 4G frequencies permanently, making them bio-compatible instead of harmful square waves, where as the square wave is bounced back to when plain shungite products are used for wifi 4G applications- Nancy. L. Hopkins (cosmicreality) USA Military Intelligence Officer (Wifi Warfare Expert)

We super boost the shungite's active field by putting it through a multi stage process, which includes saturating the pure shungite powder with an elite shungite ionic silver solution. 

4G 50ghrtz & 5g 60ghrtz and why shungite is the answer:

  • 60ghrtz 5G is the frequency that boils water molecules inside the body (of everything): Shungite stops ‘Necrosis’ which is the overheating of the body's cells
  • Wifi frequencies damage the myelin sheath that is the coating for our bodies nervous system: Shungite is an anti-histamine, this repairs the myelin sheath that covers our nerves that are damaged by Electromagnetic frequencies
  • Within the telecommunications towers a ‘harmonizing filter’ (aka shunt/CoVFeFe) is used to correct the frequency of the damaging electromagnetic frequencies by reversing them, shungite reverses frequencies that have a left-hand direction to them to make them spin in line with nature, this creates harmony within the environment and the body.
  • Using Oraphim silver infused shungite makes your devices, that are emitting the received signals safe to be around.
  • The shunt harmonizing filters are made from an annealed magnetic alloy, shungite is also an annealed magnetic compound.
  • Silver infused Shungite creates a natural magnetic field around it that is the solution to electromagnetic disturbances.
  • Where there is an unnatural square wave spinning in opposition to nature, silver infused shungite creates perfect harmony sine waves that enhance positivity and well-being. 

Where do you stick it?
Anywhere on the back of the device is good, because the shungite creates a 'field' which is interacting with the electrical 'field' of the phone/device

Do they need replacing or grounding?
No, because the shungite is not absorbing the Emf's- it is reversing the frequency

What is my device/phone is still getting hot?
Some larger phones/devices require more than one sticker, so if yours is still getting any heat after prolonged use, just add one or two stickers depending.

Where are other places to put the stickers on around the home?
All motorised/electrical devices benefit from having the normal electrical frequencies reversed...
for example: washing machines get more frothy!!!
Laptop chargers black box heat reduction
wifi router better internet signal.

How have you tested the effectiveness of the stickers?
Emf meters are uses to see the reduction in harmful electromagnetic radiation emitted
heat loss in prolonged use
Reduction in physical symptoms such as itchy lumps appearing around the neck & face after mobile phone use

4G = 50ghz

  • Shungite stops ‘Necrosis’ which is overheating of the body's cells caused by frequency friction caused by Electromagnetic waves spinning opposite to human frequency waves.
  • Shungite is an anti-histamine, this repairs the myelin sheath that covers our nerves that are damaged by Electromagnetic frequencies
  • Shungite spins frequencies that have a left-hand direction to make them spin in line with nature this create harmony within the environment required to stop wifi being harmful
  • Shungite creates a natural magnetic field around it that aids the solution to EMF
  • Silver-infused shungite smooths the wifi square wave to a natural sine wave
  • Scientists have studied shungite and proves that it is effective against it
  • Silver-infused shungite effects EMF waves permanently
  • The conducting properties of shungite minerals can create on their basis new conductive

    materials with radio shielding and radio absorbing properties to reduce the levels of

    electromagnetic radiation with a frequency 10–30 GHz and electric fields with a frequency of 50g


5G = 60ghz

60ghz is the frequency that boils water molecules inside the body (of everything)

With Shungite’s magnetic field reversing the square wave and stopping ‘Necrosis’ which is overheating of the body's cells: shungite may indeed be providing 5G protection, but we don’t have a specific scientific paper to cite to back this up with. (yet)

Shungite is our partner in leveling the playing field against these technologies, as its your positive hearts intentions that gets amplified to create reality in this realm.

Shungite ramped up its frequency in  2020: A blue glowing ball came in from space 21st feb 2020, exploded over the mother lode of shungite, now all shungite around planet has raised its frequencies to way above 5g whereas before it was below so could not deal sufficiently on its own with 5G, so this makes a big difference (law of resonance)

COVFEFE the magnetic allow that destroys the harmful effects of 5G Scientifically proven, and we will be incorporating this into our products to work with shungite in 2020!

We want our claims to be facts: that we can back up with data to 

provide you with protection and peace of mind:

The conducting properties of shungite minerals create radio shielding and radio absorbing properties to reduce the levels of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency 10–30 GHz and electric fields with a frequency of 50 Hz, this research is published by:
International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 3 volume 6, Nov.-Dec. 2013
The structure and composition of natural carbonaceous fullerene containing mineral shungite

Oleg Mosin1 and Ignat Ignatov2* 1 Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology, Moscow 119554, Russia 2 Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics, Sofia 1111, Bulgaria

We also believe that it needs to be a solution that deals with it at source so we have been focused on researching the solutions that are going on at different levels and we have some great news.

How are the leaders of the world dealing with it:

The White House Press Briefing On the 12 March 2020 Title: ’President Donald J. Trump Is Committed To Safeguarding America’s Vital Communications Networks and Securing 5G Technology’ it states: RELIABLE AND SAFE NETWORKS: President Donald J. Trump signed new legislation to ensure that the Nation’s communications networks are protected from foreign adversaries. The Act creates a reimbursement program to REMOVE & REPLACE equipment IN USE that was manufactured by entities posing unacceptable national security risk.

This was followed by the EO 1st May 2020: Bulk power systems which included the UK in making subverted technologies SAFE.

H.R.4998 - Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019:

The British government completely ditched Huawei and its 5G network in the UK and previously 5G tech government consultant quit 2019 and Prime minister Theresa May was taken in for questioning by the police in 2019.

China had all of the data on COVFEFE and actively created a 5G network which was harmful

Fullerenes were discovered in 1985 by laser irradiation of solid graphite [8Kroto, H.W., Heath, J.R. and O'Brien, S.C. (1985) C60: Buckminsterfullerene. Nature 318, 162–168.]. Later, fullerene like structures were observed not only in the graphite, but also in carbon soot formed in an arc electrical discharge on graphite electrodes, as well in shungite (0.001–0.0001% (w/w)) [9]. Crystal formed from fullerene molecules (fullerite) is a molecular crystal, a transitional form between the organic and inorganic matter. 
Fullerenes are used in bio-nanotechnology, electronics, medicine, aerospace and military technology, in the manufacture of new technical products, new steels and ferroalloys, construction and composition materials, refractory materials, paints, as well as they are used in water treatment (including treating radioactive water at Fukushima 
Modifying the influence of electromagnetic radiation is something shungite knows how to do very well, and much better than other stones because shungite does not become saturated, does not take on a negative charge, and powerfully keeps on transforming the radiation into biocompatible elements (right torsion fields).

  How Shungite Works:

Shungite is an amazing stone found in nature and is the only natural form of C60, in 1996 Professors Kroto, Smalley, & Curl were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the ‘fullerene’ now found in Shungite, as well as there now being many more scientific studies proving its ability to clear toxins, electromagnetic fields and radiation, cleanse water and heal the body. 

We also make Pendants that Protect (see our other listings):

 Oraphim's special formula has shungite powder from Zazhoginskoje, Karelia (certificated) infused with vortexed silver, this keeps open the Quantum door for the shungite to access the Quantum energy, thus amplifying the natural EMF and radiation protection which shungite provides, we then use a non toxic resin to create the piezoelectric squeeze on the shungite that you get with orgonite, we do this in all of our jewellery and mobile phone, computer stickers and plates.

Oraphim’s Back Ground

Richard, in his past has made many proof of concept 'free energy' devices, including Tesla coils, earth batteries, radiant energy devices & is an energy sensitive empath, he was an Operating Theatre Technician, responsible for the workings of all the machines as well as being instrumental in the introduction of the 'Cell saver' which is a blood vortexing machine, delivering the cleaned blood straight back to the patient during an operation. Cassie has engaged with Sheffield University (UK) as an external Collaborator with various Dr’s & Professors, devising & delivering many medical educational exhibits & teaching tools & artworks. Now together, our intention is to make Shungite information and products available, in easy, useable, affordable and beautiful forms...


Best Wishes Always

Do share your experiences with us as it’s a growing field for all involved from scientist, Doctors, Healers and User

 All statements regarding our Shungite products are considered ‘anecdotal’ at this time.

Disclaimer: These Statements and any product made 

by us are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

 The Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded today to two Americans and one British researcher for their discovery of fullerenes, a new class of all-carbon molecules shaped like hollow balls.

The researchers, Richard E. Smalley and Robert F. Curl Jr. of Rice University in Houston, and Harold W. Kroto of the University of Sussex in Brighton, United Kingdom, made their discovery in 1985 in Smalley's lab at Rice while working together to study how carbon atoms cluster.

"The award is richly deserved," says Robert Haddon, a fullerene chemist at Lucent Technologies' Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey. "It led to a totally new field of chemistry." Today, fullerenes--which are popularly known as buckyballs--are being investigated for everything from new superconductors and three-dimensional polymers, to catalysts and optical materials.

We are very happy to answer questions you may have regarding the use of shungite, so please do get in touch.

Best Wishes  From Oraphim - Cassie & Rich