Jean Butler's Irish Dance Masterclass DVD
Jean Butler has the unique distinction of being at the core of the Riverdance movement, having been the original female lead in the Eurovision segment and having starred for years thereafter in the touring show. She went on to star in such programs as Dancing on Dangerous Ground, an innovative production which aesthetically tested the borders of Irish dance drama choreography. Jean Butler's star-power has also been solidified by her appearances in such feature films as The Brylcreem Boys, Revengers Tragedy, Goldfish Memory, and the short film Old Friends.

Through these films, Butler has expanded her range and avoided pigeonholing herself as a performer. Jean Butler brings a level of analysis to Irish dancing which is apparent in both her choreography and in the other projects which she chooses. She has earned a Master's Degree in Contemporary Dance and was the Artist in Residence for the Irish World Music Centre at the University of Limerick. In addition, her writing has been featured in publications such as Image and The Dubliner. Butler's wide exposure to and success in various arenas of the dance world has helped her develop a sophisticated and intellectual approach to Irish dancing choreography. Butler applies this approach to not only her creative works, but to her more practical projects as well.

Jean Butler's Irish Dance Masterclass takes a challenging approach to the basic foundational movements of Irish dancing. The DVD leads the viewer through a continuous workout which stresses not only advanced movements but also technical competency. In addition, the DVD features a new short choreography by Jean