Scarce autographed 5" x 7.5" album leaf with a quotation by the famed Jewish - German professional whistler, a victim of the Holocaust.  He writes, Do it like that with me, whistle on the world, then never let it surge, and always earn money. He adds a caricature of himself in a hat and the signs "artistic whistler" after his name and writes the town ot Adelaide in Australia and dates it August 17, 1912.

Gialdini's real name was Kurt Abromowitsch and was known to be able to whistle any tune he had ever heard.  He toured Europe and the United States and made many, many records, one can hear them on Youtube.  He kept his private life very secret and he disappeared during World War II and was presumed killed in the concentration camps.

A scarce recording artist!

Harmonie Autographs and Music, Inc

Appraiser and Music Antiquarian

New York, NY

All Autographs Guaranteed Authentic!