External Grade Sign Self Adhesive Vinyl High Gloss Finish Sticker  If White shown in image then it is printed on white background (not transparent)

14cm x 3.7cm (140mm x 37mm)

Peel off backing paper and stick to any SMOOTH FLAT CLEAN DRY SURFACE - IDEAL FOR LETTERBOX!
Sticky is on the rear of the sticker

** to remove backing paper flip sticker onto reverse side and remove white backing - do not attempt to remove the backing paper with the sticker face up as you can end up damaging sticker by removing the front gloss seal **


External grade definition:
Can be used outside or externally.  They are water resistant not waterproof.  A water-resistant sticker can stand up to some moisture, both its adhesive properties and its visual design will not be totally impervious to water. Over time, the adhesive and the visual appeal of a water-resistant label can be compromised, if exposed to moisture on a prolonged or regular basis or chemicals used in a cleaning process.