Product Information

Name: Lemon Grass

Scientific name: Cymbopogon Citratus

Family: Poaceae

Other Names: West Indian lemon grass and Fever grass

Expiration Date : Provided on the bag

Cymbopogon is a genus of Asian, African, Australian,
and tropical island plants in the grass family.Some species (particularly Cymbopogon citratus) are commonly cultivated as culinary and medicinal herbs
because of their scent, resembling that of lemons.
While an estimated 55 species of lemongrass exist, only the East Indian and West Indian varieties are suitable for use in cooking.

The name cymbopogon derives from the Greek words kymbe 
(κύμβη, 'boat') and pogon (πώγων, 'beard') "which mean that in most species, the hairy spikelets project from boat-shaped spathes.

Besides oil production, lemongrass is also used for culinary purposes, as a flavoring.In manufacturing is used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics.
It's full of vitamins A and C,traces of B vitamins, folate, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese.
Lemongrass helps maintain cholesterol at normal levels and improves digestion.
Lemongrass is used for treating stomachache, vomiting, cough, fever, the common cold, and exhaustion.It is also used to kill germs.

Making tea:
In a cup of water add a teaspoon of lemongrass and boil for about 10 minutes.Strain and add sugar or honey.


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