Product Information:

Name: Pineapple 

Scientific name: Ananas comosus

Family: Bromeliaceae

Origin: Thailand

Expiry Date: Provided on the bag

Our dried Pineapple rings are 100% Natural,do not contain preservatives and have no added sugar.


The pineapple(Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant with an edible fruit, it is the most economically significant plant in the family Bromeliaceae.

Originating in South America, it was named by early European colonizers for its resemblance to a pine cone. 

The introduction of the pineapple to Europe in the 17th century made it a significant cultural icon of luxury.

Since the 1820s, pineapple has been commercially grown in greenhouses and many tropical plantations.

It’s packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and other helpful compounds.Pineapples also contain trace amounts of phosphorus, zinc, calcium, and vitamins A and K.

Nutrition Information:

Quantity per 100g:

>Calories (kcal) 50

>Lipid 0.1g

>Saturated fat 0g

>Cholesterol 0mg

>Sodium 1mg

>Potassium 109mg

>Carbohydrates 13g

>Fiber 1.4g

>Sugar 10g

>Protein 0.5g


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